As a CIO, do you have an open door policy? Would you go visit your staff in their spaces?

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CIO in Finance (non-banking)5 years ago door is rarely closed and I’m quite often out talking to my team members.
Senior Security and Compliance Auditor in Software5 years ago
Not a CIO but I recently stayed a a Holiday Inn....I found it so liberating years ago when I accepted "Open Doors" and asked employees to ask me any question at any time and get an honest answer, even if its not exactly what they would want to hear. Transparency builds trust, which builds loyalty/retention and fosters collaboration. Most CTOs and CIOs, and VP's I work with nowadays sit amongst everybody else in the open office format. At first, it can be odd having a big shot sitting in the raised desk next to you. Since in the end everyone is on the same team it has great value to also work in the same space.
Chief Security Officer in Software5 years ago
All execs should have an open door policy, be visible and keep a pulse of the troops. So yes.
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CISO in Retail5 years ago
I would have both. Open door and regular visit.
Group Chief Information Officer in Construction5 years ago
I believe It’s shouldn’t be just a policy it needs to be a culture a daily practice a full family atmosphere and comfortable environment in which nobody fear from making mistakes or being judged.
You need to be approachable and have team spirit in the DNA of your team. And then doesn’t matter if you’re leading virtual team scattered all over the globe or small one in same office.

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130 views1 Comment

Yes, and it is always followed22%

Yes, but it is rarely followed54%

Some departments do, but not across the business14%


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1.8k views2 Upvotes

Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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