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Program Manager II in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
Yes but it will take approx 4-6 years to reach that acceptance level.
CISO/CPO & Adjunct Law Professor in Finance (non-banking)2 months ago
I think in some workspaces that have zero error tolerance like nuclear powerplants and undersea mining , it could be useful now.  I am leery of stating a technology will be useful in five years because in five years the landscape can be radically different. Tesla and others are iterating humanoid robot version, so depending upon the use cases, like my dangerous workplace examples, AR/VR could be rendered obsolete.

Meta seems to have largely moved on from VR to the next big thing and I’m not aware of any other companies plowing money into the space.  The Metaverse was positioned as the future but it has become an afterthought compared to the buzz and money being put into AI.

If someone articulates a business focused use case with a short enough ROI then the other realities(AR/VR) will take off,  if not they will fall by the wayside. 
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Director of Engineering2 months ago
As someone who has tried to implement this technology on the shop floor, it still has large barrier to widespread adoption. The biggest hurdle I see is not the technology, but the acceptance from users. VR/AR is still largely unknown in the private sector. People are still unwilling to wear HMDs for long periods of time unless there is a great benefit. 

 We have not seen that benefit or the "golden" use case that can overcome this user acceptance resistance. AR/VR will always have a place in certain areas (i.e., design and engineering), but getting it to the enterprise level will be a challenge... and when that time comes, technology might have moved onto the next big thing.

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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Softwarea year ago
As a buzzword, it’s on life support.
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CIO in Healthcare and Biotech3 months ago
I have gone through the similar situation twice in two different organisation , where in one implemented SAP and other one it was Oracle Fusion.
I'd prefer and suggest to follow following steps :-
1. First you need ...read more
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