Has anyone written a charter for programming documents? Any advice and/or examples are welcome!

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VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
1) Clearly Defined Scope
2) Roles & Responsibilities
3)Definition of Success
4)definition of the risks
5)connection to company or business objectives

CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Yeah, like Ray I approach these documents much like I’m writing the technical section for a grant. Start by considering the audience and write the overarching aims and impact of the proposed software in a way that will resonate with that audience. Then talk about prior work and existing packages that corroborate the feasibility of the proposed work. Talk about personnel and estimated effort to completion and provide a Gantt chart. 
Solutions Architect in Software2 years ago
Usually, one needs a project charter to get approval from the stakeholders and get the team on board with the vision. The document related to programming/development is not that different from any other sphere. Keep it concise, simple, and not too technical. At the same time, it has to cover the topics, important for the stakeholders.

My preferred structure is:
 - Purpose (or Problem)
 - Description (best is when it is up to 3 sentences and explains how the problem is solved)
 - Objective (A SMART target you are trying to achieve here. It is important to keep it Timely and Measurable)
 - Specification
 - Budget
 - Deliverables / Criteria of Success
 - Scope
 - Risks / Assumptions

Big corps with 10 layers of management like this structure a lot.

If you are interested in pitching or sustaining a project charter for StartUp, please look at the "Lean Canvas" - a very efficient tool, but aimed for small groups and consistent updates through time. 
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Sr. Director of Engineering in Travel and Hospitality2 years ago
1. Comprehensibility as per intended audience. 
2. Well Structured with required information sufficient to explain the topic in writing. 
3. Lots of Pictures, tables, graphs to capture the statistics, examples in best possible way
4. Visualisation and graphics for best story telling and presenting information graphically
Chief Technology Officer in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Would one of these serve as a useful basis for you? Two examples, anyhow -

1. https://pmbasics101.com/project-charter-example/
2. https://www.slideshare.net/100005232690054/software-project-management-project-charter

It seems difficult to find examples of charters for programming outside project management; by "charter" are you thinking a style guide maybe?

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication3 years ago
Palantir Foundry
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CIO in Manufacturing17 days ago
There are so many questions here. What type of data are you talking about?
Transactional, master or all data?
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