Has anyone got any great examples they are willing to share of how you have communicated your data strategy/ priorities to senior stakeholders (and more widely if applicable) in your organisations?

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Head of Information/Cyber Security3 months ago

1) Compelling Storytelling: Craft narratives that illustrate past successes or potential gains from data-driven insights.
2) Visual Data Representation: Use interactive dashboards and clear visualizations to demonstrate key metrics and strategic alignments.
3) Clear Roadmaps and Progress Reports: Present structured roadmaps with milestones and regular progress updates that link data initiatives to business objectives.
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IT Manager in Services (non-Government)3 months ago

I concur especially on the visual data representation for the question posed: my most effective communication has been a bubble graph.   :)

Director of Marketing in IT Services3 months ago
CIOs are under pressure from their Boards and CEOs to present a consistent data and, more importantly, AI strategy. 

We advise our customers that a consistent AI strategy is impossible without a properly structured and implemented data strategy. It is critical to have proper data governance, data organization, and ELTs to provide a foundation that can be further explored by AI and Machine Learning.

So, make sure to include these pillars in your communication.
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Director of Project Management3 months ago
Focus on two things that senior leadership will always be concerned about - first,  what the tangible business outcomes and impacts will be with an investment in a data strategy that does not describe the architecture - it describes what the company will be able to do that it couldn't before. second, why is our data safer and more secure in this new platform.  
Principal Software Engineer, Data Engineering in Energy and Utilities2 months ago
For the given business domain, the communication of 'why', 'what' and 'how' is important for getting the buy in from the senior stakeholders. 'Why' needs to be explained with exhaustive business benefits be it cost optimization or increased revenue generation through the strategy.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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