Can AI totally replace human beings?

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Strategic Banking IT advisor in Bankinga year ago
I do think that AI in conjunction with RPA or any process automation could replace a broad range of tasks that requires to take 'simple decision'.   On the other hand, for tasks requiring a more 'complex decision' process, AI will be able to assist or to give opinion.

So, short answer is NO.   But for specific context, the answer is a definite YES.

As AI progress quite fast, who knows in 2030 what will be the reality.
CTO in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Not at all places but some of the places.
System Operation Manager in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Not at all...
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Data Scientist & Analytics Managera year ago
"Without Human Intelligence there is no Artificial Intelligence". AI is a powerful tool, but it is not a replacement for humans. AI can automate many tasks, but it cannot replicate the creativity, problem-solving, and empathy that humans possess. These abilities are essential for many jobs, and it is unlikely that AI will be able to fully replace humans in these roles.
Program Manager II in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
No, AI cannot totally replace human beings. While AI can perform specific tasks efficiently, it lacks human qualities such as deep creativity, empathy, and complex decision-making abilities. However, humans not using AI will find it difficult to secure future jobs for sure. 

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the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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