What advice would you give IT organizations who are overloaded with requests?

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CIO in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
Our organization is forward-thinking in terms of their KPIs, so we have invested in visualization tools to create a self-service business intelligence (BI) interface. Otherwise, users will keep coming after you for one piece of data or another. We’ve chosen tools that give people that opportunity to roll up, drill down, etc., at their own level. If people don’t have that ability, you will have a lot of requests coming to IT, and then IT can’t do what it’s supposed to do at that point in time.

Director of IT in Software3 years ago
If by requests you mean IT Support tickets or request for IT assistance, you can setup a ticketing system with a knowledge base so employees, when they go to open a ticket, either search for a solution in the knowledgebase or if the ticketing system is intelligent when they type the ticket will suggest solutions that they can try themself.
After the ticket is filled, you can create categorizations/workflow to prioritize it urgently and direct it to the right support team.

Depending on the support channels available, you can setup a chatbot with AI that can direct them to a helpdesk/knowledgebase article on how to resolve the issue themselves.
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


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Senior Systems Analyst / Team Leader in Government2 months ago
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