What are the advantages of being both CIO and CISO of an organization?

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CIO in Telecommunication2 years ago
Being both the CIO and CISO gives you a full picture of the IT infrastructure as well as the services and solutions that you provide. It can be tougher because it's a much larger role, but having it centralized instead of being split between two people makes it easier to have a comprehensive understanding of your end-to-end organizational IT services. There's no separation there because I have both roles, so there's nothing that can be missed.
Senior Director Enterprise Applications in Software2 years ago
I prefer a separation of duties so that the judge has a different role than the prosecutor because it can create a conflict of interest if not done correctly. The advantages are that the dual role individual can align budget spend to maximize the value to the organization and eliminate duplicate efforts and overlapping tool sets. Another advantage is that audit findings tend to always get remediated where as the alternative split roles tend to deprioritize those functions which can increase risk.
Global CIO in Telecommunication2 years ago
Critical for compliance, as well as maker and checker role. CISO requires deep hands on expertise as SME while CIO is a balance of business Techno commercial person. 
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CTO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
The straightforward answer is that every decision made as a CIO has security in mind as that responsibility hasn't been delegated. If the roles are split decisions made by the CIO will always have security as a secondary consideration. The benefits of splitting are, of course, having someone dedicated to ensuring the cyber security of the organisation is their top priority, and chasing down any issues. This level of focus can't be employed by the CIO who has numerous other considerations.
CIO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
I believe improved alignment and decision making is a benefit. While huge strides have. Been made to partner IT and Security. There still remains challenges which could create obstacles to progress

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