What about the idea of being a sales rep that comes in with a bit more of a perspective?

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CSO in Constructiona month ago
There is an element of the call where the rep has to add value, and depending on the context of the call, the value needs to come at certain parts of the conversation. For example, if someone doesn’t know what you do and your brand isn’t as recognizable as Nike or Google, you may need to add that value sooner. The key thing here is that no matter what you've done with other customers, it can add credibility, but it also doesn’t matter because each buyer or each company is different and you almost have to reset.

In an inbound situation, where they’ve done some research on your company and booked the discovery call, they come to the conversation with some context. My recommendation is that the seller starts the entire conversation trying to understand the buyer, their current environment, and the specific problems they are facing. They should hold off on adding value until they get as much information as possible about the buyer because you want the value to be specific to them.

On the flip side, in a case where someone doesn’t know you or came from outbound or a cold call, the seller needs a little more context and value early on. For instance, saying, "I help teams fix conversion rates. The biggest trend right now in sales is that conversion rates are under 20%, four out of five deals are being lost, and more than half of those are being lost to no decision. This can be traced back to discovery and what was not uncovered, and that’s how I’ve helped teams. Now, help me understand what’s going on with your sales team right now."

In this situation, you’ve added some value but quickly flipped it back to learn about the customer. The goal is always to make it about the customer. Even if you have to add value or the customer asks questions about your business or product, the quicker the seller can turn it back to the customer, the more credibility they can build. Ultimately, this person hopes you’re going to solve their specific problem.
Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunicationa month ago
If you are a good salesperson you should be able to sell your ideas to your organization.  Bring an insight, make a recommendation on how you've seen it work before.  Raise issues, and more importantly, bring the idea for resolution, and offer to help move it forward. 
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CSO in Education14 days ago
Isn't this what we all want? I would prefer a sales person with a mind and voice of her own rather than simple followers. Contribution helps shape our thoughts and directions.

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