What are organizations using for annual employee performance evaluations and tracking leadership development progress? 

Commercial SaaS Offering - Please provide details if possible42%

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing5 years ago
If anyone is using or has evaluated a commercial solution, i would appreciate the specifics.. 
CTO in Software5 years ago
At Netflix my team developed an internal tool used for 360 reviews. Basic "fields" were: Start, Stop, Continue -- meaning you should Start doing XX (more), Stop doing YY (now), and Continue doing ZZ (always)
VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing5 years ago
Thanks Mike
Senior Manager, Product Operations & Lifecycle at Pure Storage. Strategic Advisor in Hardware5 years ago
We use a Checkpoint and SMART goals that roll up to the overall company goals and strategy.

We require at a minimum monthly (through we encourage more frequently and feedback be part of regular 1-on-1 meetings ) feedback discussions, which should be entered into the tool with quarterly management reviews to ensure feedback is occurring at all levels. At the end of the year the goals and feedback automatically are incorporated into the year end assessment for employees.

I’ve used Checkpoint at multiple companies and have to say that overall I’m happy with the solution (which customizable to meet your organization’s needs) they provide.
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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing5 years ago

Who makes Checkpoint? https://www.peoplestrategy.com/ ?

VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing5 years ago
Thanks Brian

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