In what way are you supporting the mental health and wellbeing of your employees — either as a business, a manager or a leader?

Encouraging time off58%

No camera on zoom45%

No Friday meetings38%

Other — share in the comments!5%

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Director in Manufacturing3 years ago
I always encouraged my teams to get at least 1 week of vacation on the planning calendar by January 30. Otherwise before you know it, the year is ending any you have 4 weeks of vacation remaining. And we were not allowed to roll vacation over to next year
IT Executive in Healthcare and Biotech3 years ago
We provide .ental health and wellness tools and sessions.
CTO in Transportation2 years ago
We provide a very flexible work schedule. Friday demos to the company every two or three weeks are a highlight as well enjoyed by everyone.
CISO/CPO & Adjunct Law Professor in Finance (non-banking)8 months ago
Checking in with employees other than when something must be done, supporting employee career growth and framing it as an organizational win, focusing upon the answer and taking a beat after asking how an employee is doing.
Chief Supply Chain Officer in Government5 months ago
The organization has a health and wellness focus.
Culturally we also embrace work-life balance and have for many years (Pre-Pandemic)

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