Which of these learning and development (L&D) strategies have you found effective? Select all that apply.

Microlearning sessions29%

Lunch & learn sessions55%

L&D platform/app (e.g., LinkedIn Learning, Udemy Business, LearnUpon)50%

Learning management system (LMS)42%

Learning experience platform (LXP)18%

Book club10%

Job shadowing14%

Other (please list in the comments)1%

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Senior Director Engineering in Travel and Hospitality2 years ago
Physical trainings rule!
Director of Enablementa year ago
I’ve seen too many business adopt an L&D platform like Udemy or Pluralsight, then disengage further

Just because you provide access to these platforms, it doesn’t mean that people will consume the content, or gain anything of use from them. It turns into a numbers farm without anything beneficial coming away from it (or it adds extra pressure to the learner as they have to do this out-of-hours)

1) Provide curated content to your learners. Work with SMEs to identify the right paths for your teams.
2) Schedule work-groups and calls with multiple people starting the same track. Socialise it
3) Make time for your employees to study during business hours.

If you don’t prioritise the growth of your team, then someone else will

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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It depends (please explain in the comments)1%

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