What is your preferred collaboration style when working remotely?

Video Call58%

Voice Call31%

Asynchronous (meeting via email/chat)8%

Other (please comment below)1%

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Director in Manufacturing3 years ago
I’ve been working with collaborating software for 15+ years. I never really found the camera that helpful. Being able to reliably talk interactively and share my screen at high resolution is the key. If I can show you apps while manipulating them I’m good. Only times I’ve really used the camera was to point it outside to show approaching storm, snow or what the dog was doing
Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
I've taken to turning the camera off recently and reverting to the classic phone call.

I've found I can be much more engaged in the conversation as I am able to move away from my desk, and also because I don't have to focus on a video appearance.

It has its place for sure, but video off is not a bad thing.
Director of The Digital Workplace in Software3 years ago
I think the key here is knowing WHEN to use each. A lot of work can be shifted to async text communication. But not all. Sometimes a phone call is more effective. Sometimes a topic benefits from the added fidelity of a video call. Sometimes a recorded video is the best option. This is the challenge and beauty of the digital workplace. There's a good use case for all the mediums, but we have to learn those and practice them.
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Director, Product Engineering3 years ago

Completely agree.  There is always a place for async text / email exchanges, but I always coach my teams that if an email thread has more than 3 non-conclusive replies then it's time to make or schedule a call.(typically Zoom, these days).

Carrier Sales at Lean Staffing Solutions in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Information Security Officer in Governmenta year ago
I usually like to do a face to face with the team. I did a video TEAMS call to a sysadmin one day and he was in the middle of his commute home. I told him I could call back when he was home safe but they're always skilled at multi tasking 😅.

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