What percentage of your week is spent in meetings?

Less than 10%6%




More than 70%3%

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Director in Manufacturing3 years ago
My personal experience is the further up the chain of command you move the more meetings you are scheduled to attend. I do my best to educate and share my experiences in those meetings so perhaps in the future I can attend less frequently
Senior Director, Defense Programs in Software3 years ago
I love meetings, and as what I need to impact grows, they become even more critical workplaces to inform or be informed, discuss or decide on things, and to collaborate on vision and values. But it means having effective meetings & continuously improving on meeting skills.

A different percentage of time in meetings isn’t good or bad, it’s a reflection of how attention is prioritized and spent.
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Director of The Digital Workplace in Software3 years ago

Where are the greatest chances to grow in meeting maturity that you've seen?

Director in Manufacturing2 years ago

The best ones I have experienced were meetings held to truly debate to come to a decision. As a leader do you trust your team to fairly assess and evaluate to get the right path forward? Then meetings are growth opportunities

Occasionally brainstorming where you teach people to research and learn are good too.

However if neither of these are moderated well they don’t succeed. And usually these were face to face not virtual

Retired - Former Executive Advisor, CEO / CIO in Manufacturinga year ago
Far too many people feel meetings are too long, occur too often and are mostly a waste of time. It is critical we engage in active listening with our attendees instead of assuming it was a good meeting. I will often solicit a few of attendees on whether the meeting was worthwhile to them. 

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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