Nike recently closed it's offices for a full week to give employees a mental health break and recognize worker well-being. Would you consider offering this at your organization?

Yes, this is a good move for both the business and employees to recharge.28%

Yes, but vacation time could have been offered through a less disruptive model.51%

No, we can't afford to lose that many consecutive operating days.18%

Other (please share below)2%

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Managing Partner, Partnerships & Strategy in Software3 years ago
We could offer mental health breaks but as a services organization we’d have to do it differently given that our priority is to ensure our clients get the outcomes and services we promised. Instead of shutting the company down for an entire week we have an unlimited vacation policy which can be for mental health, family, illness and so on. This of course needs to be managed carefully to ensure we deliver for our clients and can do this in a sustainable way as we grow.
Director of IT in Healthcare and Biotech3 years ago
This is certainly a good idea, but instead of going with a one full week off, I think a better approach will be to give one Friday off in a month for next five months. This will have a better impact than have a full week off and come back to the grind right after that.
Technical Solutions Director in Software2 years ago
We tried this at my previous company - and since then, I'm a big fan, it really helped a lot of people.

The best effect - it is different than vacation time. Since everyone is out, the return back to normal is very different, you don't grind right away, you don't have a full mailbox to sort through, and all projects resume. It doesn't feel like your work is interrupted (and you need to find the way back), it feels like your work was paused and you can get back right where you left.
Director of The Digital Workplace in Software2 years ago
There's a lot of power in everyone taking the same week off. If you give everyone an extra 5 vacation days, most likely they won't take it, and if they do, they'll still have their nerves frayed from wondering what waits them when they get back. 
CFO Advisory Director in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Mental health is a sleeping global pandemic.
Well done Nike.
The challenge with mental health issues are that you cannot see them. And they linger longer than a broken leg.

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