Which leadership role is taking ownership of generative AI at your org?


CDO/CDAO (chief data/analytics officer)24%

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Ownership is shared11%

Someone else3%

No one4%

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IT Manager in Construction5 months ago
The CAIO (Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer)
Senior Data and Analytics Leader in Government4 months ago
The leadership role responsible for Gen AI would ideally depend on factors such as the company size, industry, existing technology and data governance structures, and the specific use cases being explored. Effective collaboration and clear lines of accountability across different functions would be crucial for the successful and responsible adoption of Gen AI.
Senior Director, Information Technology of Service Delivery2 months ago
Shared between our CISO, and CPO (Privacy), under the direction/guidance of the CIO.

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Director of Data4 days ago
In my opinion, Advancements in AI and related data field have significantly enhanced our Master Data Management (MDM) strategy by automating data quality, integration, and governance processes. AI algorithms help identify ...read more
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

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Job will become more stressful32%

Job-related stress will remain stable59%

Job will become less stressful8%

Other (please comment)1%

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