As a leader, do you feel pressure to be present in your teams' Slack channels?

Yes, always33%

Yes, but only for celebrations.39%


Other (comment below!)1%

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CTO in Education3 years ago
I don't feel pressured at all - but I am active in my teams' Slack channels.
Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Like others wrote, I don't feel being pressured, but I am there in case they need me.
I find it stupid to expect leadership to always follow up on all operational messages as that's not their job, so there my team has free hands to handle and they know where they can reach me best for immediate assistance when they really need it.
I also agreed with them to use Slack in a structured way and not as a teenager texting line.... that's seriously disturbing and that's the first thing I weed out when I arrive to any organisation.
Founder & Chief AI Strategist in Softwarea year ago
It all depends upon the culture you want to build and the organizational setup you have. If you’re fully/ predominantly remote, being present in your teams’ Slack channels means “being present.” It’s an opportunity to share your thoughts, engage in a conversation, be part of it, and share what’s top of mind. If you view it as an opportunity, a lot can change…
VP of Marketing in IT Servicesa year ago
It depends. If I am tagged for input, then absolutely. I try to encourage open communication amongst the team so we use the channel to bounce ideas off each other, ask questions and take action. For quick things, I prefer the teams channel… it also helps our global team all feel connected on a more personal level.

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