Is it right for a company to expect you to use your personal phone number when you work from home?

Yes - it's part of WFH41%

No - my phone number is private42%

No - It's my personal resource14%

Other (please comment below)1%

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Senior Executive Advisor in Software3 years ago
Usually, companies that have a Bring your own device (BYOD) policy for mobile phones offset the cost of having the device through some form of stipend to the employee. This allows the individual to have the capability of having a single number for both personal and professional interactions. It also eliminates the need to juggle multiple phones. I think this will extend to a sheer WFH situation. Expecting an employee to use their personal phone without some form of stipend of support is taking the employee for granted IMHO.
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Director in Manufacturing3 years ago

We tried BYOD and very few were willing to participate (under 5%)

There was no payment or support of the cost

The only benefit to an employee was one less phone to carry

Director Of Technology in Education3 years ago
Personal phone number as in a land line? If it’s a mobile phone get a duplicate phone number
Senior IT Manager in Government3 years ago
The work-from-home situation became a *lot* more complicated with the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, our philosophy was that work-from-home was a privilege, not a right, and if you wanted to work from home and your position allowed you to do so we would provide certain minimal accommodations to allow that to happen.

Then, the pandemic hit - and work-from-home became not a privilege but a requirement. Since we're now *requiring* people to work from home, we now have an obligation to provide them with the tools necessary to do that - and part of that should be a work phone number which can be turned off or safely ignored out of normal duty hours. 

Note it can be a number that's forward to personal devices if so desired.
CISO in Software3 years ago
With MS Teams and Zoom calls, a personal phone number is rarely required.  I can't think of a situation where a person might have to use their landline and couldn't just be reached on their mobile.

If an employee is using their personal mobile for work, then yes there should be compensation.
CTO in Education3 years ago
Ok if an allowance is offered.

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