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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Strategy & Architecture
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39k views5 Upvotes34 Comments

Cost concerns26%

Fear of disruption48%

Lack of awareness 26%

Compatibility concerns39%

Lack of strategic alignment / vision26%

Productivity and downtime fears13%

Trusting on current implementation4%

New technologies aren't the basement of the innovation

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133 views1 Upvote

Google machine learning engine7%

Azure machine learning studio29%


H20 AI7%


IBM Watson4%

Salesforce Einstein5%

Infosys Nia

Amazon Alexa3%

Google assistant1%


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2.3k views3 Upvotes
Sr. DIR GRC in Mediaa month ago
I had to research the "Kobayashi Maru test." I am not a "Trekker," so this is my first time hearing about it. It's an interesting concept, and here is my strategy:
1. Accept that you may be in an unwinnable situation. more
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1.8k views2 Upvotes2 Comments