How many maximum interview rounds have you had to go through for a job?

1-2 rounds10%

3-4 rounds47%

5-7 rounds31%

8-11 rounds9%

11-14 rounds2%

> 15 rounds

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VP of Finance in Finance (non-banking)2 months ago
11-14 rounds? Yikes!

I think some of these answers are a symptom of a broken hiring process. It's funny how much scrutiny we as Finance professional will give a recurring expense of $100-200K/yr but with a hiring decision will "wing it". I'd argue we should put more effort into hiring as a bad tool may add no value but a bad hire can create negative value.

Personally, I think the following steps are a good start in the hiring process:
1) Create a thoughtful job description and posting
2) Determine what an ideal candidate will look like regarding skills, experience and character.
3) Determine how you can evaluate all of these traits for a candidate - resume, references, interview, aptitude tests, etc.
4) Then plan each step efficiently and thoughtfully.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
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CFO3 days ago
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