How many hours are your staff generally expected to work per day?

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Doesn't matter as long as they meet their OKRs11%

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Director of IT in Software2 years ago
The more important is how effective those hours are or what has been accomplished. I expect 8h work day but do not check my teams what time they come to work and leave and how long their lunch break was. As long as they are meeting the deadlines, producing the outcomes that are expected and there when the organization needs them they can be flexible and get an hour or two earlier today and stay little longer tomorrow etc.
Senior Vice President, Product Design and Data Analytics in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
Unfair to expect people to stretch to deliver work on most of the days and then expect them to clock 8-9 hrs as well on other days. Culture has to be results oriented and managers have to play a key role in assessing and planning this.
Retired - Former Executive Advisor, CEO / CIO in Manufacturinga year ago
Of course there are times when long hours are required, but if the staff cannot get their work done in a 40-hour week this is a failure of management. In the case of exempt staff, the 8-hour work day is even more pointless. We pay exempt staff for the "work" they need to complete. Again, it is up to management to ensure exempt staff can normally get their work done within a 40-hour week. If they are routinely over or under by more than a little, a job review is required to better match the work to a normal week.
Director of HR in Miscellaneous4 months ago
7 hrs

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VP of Corporate Development in Services (non-Government)3 days ago
Depends on the KPIs per function and what Leadership wants to be updated on.
Normally you would show the usual performance stats, what the market is developing into, what risk there is to achieve budget and what is needed more
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