How happy are you with Azure Cost Management's suggestions for compute savings?

Very happy - big savings, easy to use23%

Somewhat happy - some savings, some effort68%

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Unhappy - little savings, not worth the effort8%

5.6k views3 Upvotes1 Comment
IT Manager7 months ago
Azure's Cost management sessions helps specially for  adjusting virtual machine­ sizes, using reserve­d instances, applying auto-scaling, and capitalizing on spot instances when ne­eded. Plus, Azure give­s important billing details and usage insights. This helps pe­ople see the­ir spending trends and find places to improve­

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Rapid Application Development7%

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Agile Kanban8%

Dynamic System Development1%

Lean Software Development2%

Other .. please add it down2%

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Vice President, Software Engineering6 days ago
There are plenty of sophisticated platforms that provide ECM capabilities like OpenText (xECM, Content Server, Documentum), Hyland (Nuxeo, Alfresco, OnBase), Microsoft SharePoint (best suited for collaboration), IBM Filenet. 
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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Strategy & Architecture
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