Given the cost and difficulty to find and hire security professionals, how did your use of external consultants change over the recent 2 years?


No change49%


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6.3k views8 Upvotes2 Comments
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IT Analyst in Education3 years ago
No change
IT Manager in Software3 years ago
expecting some increase

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243 views2 Upvotes

Yes, but it doesn’t exist yet26%

Yes, and it already exists44%

No, but I wish22%

No, and I don’t think it needs to8%

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17.5k views6 Upvotes8 Comments
Vice President, Software Engineering6 days ago
There are plenty of sophisticated platforms that provide ECM capabilities like OpenText (xECM, Content Server, Documentum), Hyland (Nuxeo, Alfresco, OnBase), Microsoft SharePoint (best suited for collaboration), IBM Filenet. 
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1k views1 Upvote1 Comment

The data19%

The people43%

The processes21%

The policies11%

I wish I knew5%

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21.8k views7 Upvotes9 Comments
Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Strategy & Architecture
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