Should all employers adopt a four-day workweek?

Yes, that's what's best for employees.71%

No, that would disrupt business.29%

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Senior Director, Defense Programs in Software3 years ago
We must be thinking about how we get to a George Jetson work week.
Head of Business Development in Softwarea year ago
There are so many industries or facilities where a four-day week seems not applicable. Nevertheless I think alternative working time models it should be considered much more among all employers.
CSO in Constructiona year ago
Need a 3rd option. "It depends". It is certainly not for every business and company. For those businesses that do have flexible working arrangements then it should be heavily considered
Senior Director Engineering in Travel and Hospitalitya year ago
Why not 1 day a week? Are you ok to take a 20% cut in pay if its reduced from 5 to 4? 
There is way too much emphasis on employee welfare. Employment is a choice!

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