What is the biggest disadvantage of on-premises computing?

On-premises computing can require a larger upfront investment than cloud computing.35%

On-premises computing can be more complex to manage than cloud computing, since businesses need to maintain their own servers and infrastructure.53%

On-premises computing can be less reliable than cloud computing, since businesses are reliant on their own hardware and software.11%

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Marketing Analyst in Software2 years ago
There are several downsides to using on-premise infrastructure, such as high maintenance costs, risk of data loss, and limiting your company's ability to scale. Along with the initial capital investment required to purchase servers and other hardware, you'll also need to continue buying new hardware, software, and licenses to repair/replace malfunctioning systems. Additionally, to realize the most from your server investment, you will want to upgrade your equipment, which will likely be an annual contract (at least) and require more money. As the data generated keeps increasing, so does the cost of data storage. And let's face it, in today's world, data is the backbone of your business. Losing it can be crippling, both for your efficiency and your reputation. With on-premises storage, a malfunction or a compromised system held for ransom can cause you to permanently lose your data. While a cloud-based system will keep your data backed up and the outage and disruption will be minimum.
CTO in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
I think all three options contributed towards higher adoption of cloud. Cloud makes it easy to start, scale and change the infra as per business demands and it is easy to manage resources.
Even to manage on prem infra, you need some professional company like IBM, HP etc to manage your data center and even with higher costs, flexibility takes a hit.

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IT Manager in Finance (non-banking)8 days ago
hi, it depends on what do you mean by waste. If R&D that do not bring you a direct profit then you may want to set certain %% of production workload expenses. If R&d (dev, qa, test envs) are not waste then you should know ...read more
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Yes, but it doesn’t exist yet26%

Yes, and it already exists44%

No, but I wish22%

No, and I don’t think it needs to8%

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