Which approach would you be most open to if a sales rep was to engage you for the first time?

Cold call14%

Cold email56%

Message on social (e.g. LinkedIn)24%

Other (pls comment 👇)4%

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14.5k views3 Upvotes31 Comments
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Director, Information Security Engineering and Operations in Manufacturing3 years ago
I would rather they never contact me.

I don't expect my local grocery store employees to call me and ask if I need milk. When I need milk, I will ask if they have milk.

Sales people are unnecessary.
Director in Manufacturing3 years ago
Referral from a trusted colleague that uses that vendor

If you can convince one of my colleagues to tell me I should take your call I probably would accept the call even if I wasn’t in the market

I won’t even pick up a call from an unknown number even if a transfer from the front desk
21 5 Replies
Director of The Digital Workplace in Software3 years ago

100% on this

Chief Executive Officer in Software3 years ago

Referral works and build trusted and long lasting relationship in business.

VP of IT in Media3 years ago
Send me a succinct one page value proposition.
Director of IT in Construction3 years ago
Honestly anything by a cold call. When you spend 75% of your day in meetings and 25% just trying to get some work done, while trying to fend off the large number of inquiries by email/chat, I find cold calls to be extremely annoying.
5 2 Replies
Senior Information Security Manager in Software3 years ago

And of the calls for a 'brief 15-minute meeting to introduce our solution' from vendors that I have accepted, none of them stuck to their 15-minutes, and send over 30 minutes - 1-hour invitations.

Managing Partner, Partnerships & Strategy in Software3 years ago

I agree! That said, I do take cold calls occasionally just for kicks. 

Senior Director, Defense Programs in Software3 years ago
I think it’s between 35-45% of people say they never want to hear from a sales person, but a majority later regret their buying decision without one. I want someone who understands the value of what they are selling and what that offering means to me, improving my confidence in the buy.

If that’s best done with cold email, social channels, or a call, it could work but customer advocacy in groups and channels I know is likely to work better. Booths, participation in events, speaking engagements, customer keynotes - it is all better than cold messaging.
4 2 Replies
Director, Information Security Engineering and Operations in Manufacturing3 years ago

Nope. I never regretted not hearing from someone I never asked to hear from. Best example I could give is my mother-in-law, but sales people certainly fall into that category.

Managing Partner, Partnerships & Strategy in Software3 years ago

😂 what a great thing to read on a Friday

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