Do you agree that an over-dependence on spreadsheets is an indicator that an organization is not ready to adopt AI?

Strongly agree: It suggests manual, isolated data processes, signaling resistance to new tech and poor integration potential22%

Agree: Suggests underlying cultural and operational inflexibilities49%

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Disagree: Indicates strong data management skills useful for AI22%

Strongly disagree: It does not affect AI readiness and can complement AI adoption7%

323 views1 Comment
VP of Data3 months ago
I disagree , because AI works effectively on Quality Data. If Spread sheet is being used in the organization for effective Quality data, AI can function very well. 

The question should have been narrow , what is the Context. For example if the intent of AI to collaborate with human & or System in real -time , Excel data management is not ideal.

But if AI is used in Supply chain -Inventory optimization providing AI model with appropriate data about Forward looking Orders, coupled with other data dimensions like - weather+ politics + logistics data etc all even though in excel, the AI system can effectively predict & recommend and be a partner in Supply chain -Inventory Planning.

Hence for the the "Context of the Business Problem" is more important, it can't be that generic question.

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the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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