Does age make you to have a closed mindset?

Yes! After a certain age38%

No - unrelated to age, it’s a personality trait62%

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Senior Director Engineering in Travel and Hospitalitya year ago
Would love to hear your thoughts in comments beyond taking the survey
Director in Manufacturinga year ago
For me aging didn’t give me a closed mindset. The time I spent did give me some insight into what is likely to work and what is not, or where potential future problems may be. Some people labelled that “closed minded” or pessimistic until it happens and then suddenly I get labeled with “wisdom”

As we age we need to balance our views on how we make decisions. If we all reject ideas that failed in the past, we would never have the electric cars we have today. Google Electrobat
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Senior Director Engineering in Travel and Hospitalitya year ago

Does this experience come in the way of making decisions? Or does it inhibit the new ways of thinking just because in the past it worked out differently?
This is exactly what we call experience? But can it play a negative bias?

Director in Manufacturinga year ago

A closed mindset can manifest as either a negative or positive bias. Relying solely on past experiences can hinder the exploration of innovative solutions. Conversely, completely disregarding past experiences can lead to repeating mistakes. As leaders, it is essential to strike a balance by considering personal experiences, research findings, and insights from peers (perhaps through platforms like Peer Community). Ultimately, each leader must make decisions based on their own judgment. One of my former managers shared valuable advice with me: "It's time to decide. You have gathered sufficient information. Make the best-informed decision you can based on the available information. If new information emerges, we can reassess, but now is the moment to move forward." I strive to follow this approach, avoiding indecision and remaining receptive to new information that can guide me. Through continuous research, I aim to improve my decision-making abilities. While I believe I maintain an open mind, I acknowledge the importance of past experiences and accept that I may make incorrect decisions at times.


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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view:

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