Where should software architects get involved in cloud strategy setting within their organization? What role should they play during planning?

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IT Analyst13 days ago
Typically, I see enterprise architects playing a significant part in defining cloud strategy. They do this in partnership with various technology leaders, primarily the CTO and CIO, with their sponsorship being crucial.

This process has to be collaborative, though — it’s not just about setting the strategy in an ivory tower and expecting everyone to execute it. There are various teams that are impacted and should be included, like cloud teams, platform teams, and product teams. It’s up to the enterprise architect to pick key stakeholders out of the verticals involved and get them engaged in the strategy-setting process. Taking a collaborative approach ensures maximum alignment and, ultimately, adoption of the cloud strategy.
CIO in IT Services10 days ago
The role of software architect is crucial to setting the cloud strategy within their organization.  Software plays a central role in every aspect of a cloud strategy. Whether an organization is moving legacy applications to the cloud, developing cloud-native applications, or integrating third-party services, software is the foundation upon which cloud functionality and value are built.

The role's (software architect) primary responsibility is to ensure that software is designed, developed, and deployed in ways that align with the organization’s cloud goals, be it cost management, resilience, or agility, therefore software architects must be a voice at the table from the onset of strategy setting.
CTO10 days ago
Often the software architects are the only personnel with enough information to make accurate strategic decisions. My experience has been that just implementing a cloud solution, in order to demonstrate the efficiency, cost effectiveness and security of the cloud was enough to garner executive buy-in. Without an active installation, management often relies on negative circumstantial hearsay - it's too costly, it's not secure, no-one will be able to maintain it (usually generated by other ill-informed managers) - to make their cloud-based decisions.
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Director of Engineering in Banking9 days ago
For a cloud strategy to be successful, it is first necessary to define what the strategy will be, single cloud (lock-in) or multi-cloud. With this definition, it is necessary to build the foundation of the cloud and all its layers. After completing this step, think about a distributed application architecture using SOLID, exagonal architecture and other modern architecture concepts aimed at abstracting the infrastructure and protecting against lock-in.
VP of Engineering in IT Services8 days ago
The Software architect role is focused on solving the best problem with technology. Cloud has evolved to an integrated platform to provide all the technical capabilities to build, deploy and manage the application, right from infrastructure to middleware to security to managed tools and developer tools. So, cloud adoption strategy affects every part of the IT landscape from engineering to operations which means the software architect needs to be involved in all parts of the cloud strategy (Business, Platform, Adoption, Operations and change). Across the strategy and planning phase, the software architect needs to,
1. Business strategy - Participate in business KPI definition and tracking, so that it forms active part of solution engineering.
2. Platform strategy - choose the right cloud provider to meet all the functional and non-functional requirements in building the application portfolio.
3. Adoption Strategy - Determine right deployment model across cloud computing continuum, to maximize the value created while keeping transformational and operational effort and cost optimal. 
4. Operations Strategy - Managing the portfolio through the lifecycle requires capabilities in line with application architecture for observability, scalability, resiliency and lifecycle management.
5. Change Strategy - In creation of the enablement structure like transformation office and CoE, architect would need to look at CoE structure to ensure the adoption journey can be executed smoothly. 

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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