We have a BYOD policy and we need to amend our policy to include banned mobile apps due to security/privacy concerns, i.e. TikTok.  Has anyone found a trustworthy and maintained list of apps your company should ban from mobile devices that access your information systems due to privacy and security concerns?

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Senior Information Security Manager in Software2 years ago
It’s hard to create a universal list, as there are so many variables between companies.

On the more aggressive end, a regulated financial services firm will pretty much prohibit almost everything. A public relations firm will have a much less aggressive stance.

Sorry for the vague response. But there are so many ‘it depends’ in the question that makes it hard to answer.
Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
I didn’t work in mobility however our company tried BYOB with mobile app virtualization. I believe they tried VMwares product for mobile devices

Unfortunately our BYOB policy was very restrictive and almost nobody adopted BYOB for mobile devices.

I think the product offerings will improve with time, perhaps we tried too early (2018)

Our policy had a no fault company could wipe your device at anytime, so adoptions of BYOB is dead for us
CTO in Software2 years ago
Is it reasonable to dictate what apps employees can install on "their" phones? 
I don't think so; if you want to implement this policy, the company should purchase the devices. 
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VP of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
BYOD means user own devices so they should be able to install anything they want privately, why do they allow “IT” to control what they can do or don’t do. 
Director of IT in Software2 years ago
You need to issue company phones to do this.

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