What was the easiest high-impact solution you’ve ever implemented?

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Board Member in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
For the last several years, I've been a consultant with multiple organizations, primarily helping with the effectiveness of IT and digital transformation. One of my customers was a big knowledge process outsourcing company in the US, and I helped them save almost 30% of their annual budget just by asking simple questions like, "Why do you have this, and what are you doing with it?"
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Senior Director Information Technology, CISO, SOC and HITRUST Analyst in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago

I agree Arun so much can be saved just by examining your existing software inventory and infrastructure.  Usually there is quite a bit you can throw overboard and the boat will remain afloat.

Earlier CIO in Manufacturing2 years ago
Things become easy the moment organization is eagerly awaiting the solution which relieves them of severe difficulties that they are undergoing in business.  The organisation that i was working with found it very difficult to monitor and manage their suppliers capacities.  A solution was developed and deployed with participation from all concerned thereby making life easy.  Today technology is not difficult but managing conflicting priorities and inter personal relations is becoming difficult
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CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing2 years ago
One where the areas of the business it impacts really want it, they know what they want, they are prepared to commit the resource needed, and there is a real tangible saving for doing it.
CIO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
I was working for an insurance company and we implemented instant Certificates of Insurance  we were doing about 50 a day at the time. Once implemented the volume increased tenfold in a matter of days as the fix went viral internally!  (On of our developers wrote the code on the train on the way home in about an hour  - so minimal effort) 

The lesson was that there may be hidden demand to satisfy customers at almost no cost but the business system design is stopping it from happening. The result was both happy customers and staff. !

We didn't know until we investigated but the call centre hated doing this as it was manual print the certificate (from a mainframe system ) and then go and scan it. They - didn't have time as it would impact their call handling statistics would do just about anything not to do it.  
CIO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
AI algorithms that increased productivity and improved customer service at my company.  The products were easy to implement and made an immediate impact on our workflow.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Vice President, Software Engineering6 days ago
There are plenty of sophisticated platforms that provide ECM capabilities like OpenText (xECM, Content Server, Documentum), Hyland (Nuxeo, Alfresco, OnBase), Microsoft SharePoint (best suited for collaboration), IBM Filenet. 
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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