So you want to be a supervisor?  How has your organization helped individuals determine if supervision is the right path for them? What talent development resources or methods have you used to help employees prepare for the role of a supervisor before they take on the position?

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HR Managera year ago
Our organization assists individuals in determining if a supervisory role is the right fit for them by understand their skills, interests, goals, and personal circumstances. To make an informed decision, individuals can follow steps including self-assessment, researching the role's responsibilities and challenges, evaluating skills and qualifications, understanding motivations, engaging in training and development programs, trying out temporary supervisory tasks, networking with current supervisors, and reflecting on long-term career alignment and work-life balance. Seeking feedback from colleagues and mentors and assessing values regarding team support are also important aspects of the decision-making process.
To prepare employees for supervisor roles, a range of talent development methods are utilized, like, Leadership training programs offer structured courses covering communication, conflict resolution, time management, decision-making, and team building. Mentorship pairs aspiring supervisors with experienced guides, providing personalized advice.
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US Employee Relations in Manufacturinga year ago
Our primary resource is a "leadership toolkit," which is an internally developed program available on our company's intranet. This toolkit covers various aspects of leadership, including coaching, communication and management styles, with additional training modules within each subtopic. They also collaborate with LinkedIn Learning to expand the training options, making use of external resources and documents.

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
We are working on the next level of our global business strategy and I expect the leaders to indicate what type of profiles and skills they need. For me this is not an HR task only so I need our CIO for instance, to share more
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