Trying to create a Vulnerability Policy and Processes. Any advice or recommendations?

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Principle Consultant in IT Servicesa year ago
Off the top of my head.

Start with a broad Vulnerability Management Policy. Ensure is includes all the components of asset management and prioritization, vulnerability scanning and prioritization, risk management and remediation.

Then, talk to people who would execute these functions, figure out what you are capable of, and understand the costs involved (people and technology costs).

Next, see what management would sign off on.
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Program Manager II in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
Some of the recommendations from past experience:

1. Make it a collaborative effort: Get input from all stakeholders, including IT, security, risk management, and business operations. This will help ensure that the policy is comprehensive and meets the needs of the entire organization.

2. Align the policy with your organization's risk appetite: Not all vulnerabilities are created equal. Some vulnerabilities are more critical than others, and some pose a greater risk to your organization's assets. The policy should reflect your organization's risk appetite and prioritize vulnerabilities accordingly.

3. Make it realistic and achievable: The policy should be feasible to implement and maintain. Don't set yourself up for failure by creating a policy that is too complex or expensive to implement.

4. Communicate the policy to everyone in the organization: Everyone needs to be aware of the vulnerability policy and their role in implementing it. Make sure to communicate the policy to all employees, contractors, and vendors.

5. Review and update the policy regularly: The vulnerability landscape is constantly changing, so it's important to review and update your policy regularly to ensure that it remains effective.

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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