Top lessons learned from your data cloud migration journey?

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Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
Have a strategy of minimalistic initial configurations. Our engineers were over sizing environments on every vector [CPUs, Storage, DB size, performance, data flows]. We went way over budget and systems were grossly under utilized

I’d also put processes in place to turn down/off test systems when not in use to save costs
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Director of IT in Energy and Utilities4 months ago

:)  The first 20 instances we created in AWS in 2018, we ended up shrinking 19 of them.  I found that creating a rightsizing capability that runs at system shutdown and looks at historical resource consumption to determine instance size at the next start up is a very nice way to get people debating totally out of technical infrastructure sizing and the costs just fall to the floor.  Same thing with disk allocations, back up retentions etc. etc.

CTO in Software2 years ago
If you don't go all-in, you won't see the benefits. You're missing the point if you simply pick up your infrastructure and put it in the cloud on virtual servers/containers. An example is databases, don't recreate the complexity and operational burden by managing yourself. Instead, move to the fully managed database products straight off the bat e.g. AWS RDS.

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Director of IT in Software2 years ago
Azure only (all I know)...

- Ensure a budget is in place - added when the Subscription is created, preferably via automation
- For each resource, ask the questions...
  - Is it necessary? Don't create it unless/when it's necessary
  - Do I use it very little?, e.g. mon-fri 9-5 - automate manual start/stop
  - Can I reserve it (Reserved Instance)?
  - Can I use a Savings Plan?
  - Can I re-engineer it to a cheaper solution, e.g. IaaS to PaaS - when will I get my investment back?
- Be organised from the outset - use Cloud Adoption Framework / Well Architected Framework or similar
- Automate as much as you can
- Have some standards
- Lean on people with proven expertise
IT Manager in Energy and Utilities4 months ago
If you want to take the most advantages from cloud migration you need to transform (replatforming, refactoring) your applications (e.g. cloud native), so you need your business lines on board as you need budget and committment before start. Otherwise the risk is to stop many times during cloud migration and more costs. The ideal solution, obvioulsy if possible,  is top down sponsorship (CEO, CFO).
Chief Technology Officer in Services (non-Government)4 months ago
Think about the operations first and foremost and Cloud Adoption Frameworks, individuals focus too much on the IaaS and PaaS and give less thought to the networks, compartments, landing zones, IAM, security etc etc etc etc, that sit around all of that stuff which is potentially more important than the VMs or Services themselves, IMHO.

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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Director of Data4 days ago
In our implementation of Master Data Management (MDM), we primarily adopted a centralized approach using Microsoft Dataverse. This was key to resolving data quality and consistency issues in our Power Platform solutions, more
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Director of Data4 days ago
In my opinion, Advancements in AI and related data field have significantly enhanced our Master Data Management (MDM) strategy by automating data quality, integration, and governance processes. AI algorithms help identify more
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