What tools do you use for insider threat detection?

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication2 years ago
There are a variety of tools available for insider threat detection. Some common tools include data leak prevention (DLP) tools, user activity monitoring (UAM) tools, and security information and event management (SIEM) tools. DLP tools help to prevent sensitive data from being leaked by identifying and blocking unauthorized attempts to copy or transfer data. UAM tools monitor user activity to identify anomalous behavior that could indicate an insider threat. SIEM tools provide a centralized platform for monitoring and managing security events. By using a combination of these tools, organizations can more effectively detect and respond to insider threats.
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CISO in Software2 years ago

I agree with Nathan Hart response on the different tools and techniques he described.

Director, Information Security Engineering and Operations in Manufacturing2 years ago
A combination of tools from Microsoft mostly. 
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Director, Strategic Security Initiatives in Software2 years ago
Director of Information Security in Energy and Utilities2 years ago
We currently us Microsoft Insider Risk Management tool.  Works well enough for us if you are a Microsoft shop.  Otherwise I've heard good things about Code42
Director of Tech and Cyber Strategy in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
SIEM with UEBA as well as DLP as automated tools. We also perform manual audits using the logs from our PAM system.

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