Do you think generative AI's benefits should be returned to employees in the form of improved work-life balance or reduced workloads, rather than adding more tasks to their plates?  Even in instances where it frees up time for employees to work on higher-value tasks, should we also be collectively thinking about how we can also work less?

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CIO in Mediaa year ago
I see gen ai as a tool to boost our productivity and  maintaining or slight improving our work life balance. Some task as it dev will be just improved in term of productivity boost
President & COO in Softwarea year ago
In considering the implementation of generative AI in the workplace, it's essential to approach the topic from multiple angles. Generative AI undeniably, has the potential to transform the way we work. Here are some thoughts to consider:

1. Work-Life Balance and Well-being: If generative AI can relieve employees from certain tasks, it would make sense to allow employees to benefit from this in the form of improved work-life balance. Particularly where burnout and work-related stress are prevalent issues. Prioritizing the mental and physical well-being of employees can lead to more engaged, healthier, and ultimately more productive teams.

2. Economic Productivity and Value Creation: If AI can free up time for employees to work on higher-value tasks, this can be a strategic advantage for businesses. Investing this 'saved time' into innovation, strategic thinking, and other areas where human creativity and insight are irreplaceable can drive significant growth and differentiation in the market.

3. Redefining Work: Should we be working less? The modern interpretation of the 9-5 workday is relatively new in the grand scope of human history. There are arguments in favor of this, such as improving overall societal well-being, allowing individuals more leisure or family time, and potentially even boosting productivity in the hours that are worked.

4. Potential Risks: If employees are given reduced workloads, but the expectations for their output remain unchanged or even increase, this could lead to even more stress. In some sectors, simply reducing work hours without a proper strategy could lead to decreased productivity or service gaps.

While generative AI certainly offers a plethora of benefits, how we choose to leverage those benefits—whether it's in the form of reduced workloads, improved work-life balance, or increased value creation—is a decision that needs to be made collectively. It's a balance of societal values, business objectives, and a redefinition of what work means in the 21st century. Employers, employees, and policymakers should engage in open dialogues to determine the most beneficial path forward.
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Senior VP & CISOa year ago
AI will augment their work and make it more enjoyable and boost productivity, 

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