Do you think generative AI will be applicable to more complex statistical analysis in the future as capabilities improve? Have you found any other emergent technology that could augment this work?

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Data Science & AI Expert in Miscellaneousa year ago
I have hard time understanding the question. If this means using GenAI to generate statistical analysis code or approach ideas, the answer is yes, with limitations which gradually improve.
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Director of Data and AI in Bankinga year ago
I don't see these products merging in the future.  There are already amazing statistical analysis tools on the market.  What they've lacked, up until now, is the ability to translate natural language into input that the packages can use to solve problems.  There is a reason that wolfram alpha ( was an early adopter of LLMs. 

I think statistical analysis tools will benefit from LLMs in understanding what a user wants but I don't think we should add these advanced capabilities into the models. 

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Data quality (e.g., limiting duplications)19%

Business processes and workflows (i.e. data flowing between systems)65%

Data accessibility (decreased wait times for access, access logs for auditing)12%

Regulatory compliance


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