Does supply chain security require AI, blockchain or process analytics?

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Worldwide Strategy & Portfolio, Cross Industry (Supply Chain, ESG, Engineering, Customer Experience, Intelligence Automation, ERP) in Manufacturing2 years ago
Two-factor authentication (2FA) and changing passwords are not sufficient for cybersecurity at a company, nor in our personal lives. Blockchain ensures that each party in the transaction is a trusted identified source to each player in the network. AI can look beyond authentication and look for trends in logs and transactions to predict trends and threats. Process mining and behavior analytics can help to identify anomalies that may signify a threat, as the process or typical behavior would not be followed.
CISO in Software2 years ago
They are certainly an approach that some may choose to take, but not mandatory and not proven (yet) in this emerging space.
CIO/CISO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Blockchain-level security is certainly solid but block processing times make this inefficient. With the near rise of quantum cryptography and the announcement of these standards by NIST, this will solve the processing and entropy challenges of traditional controls. Process mining is more reactive as a way to to detect anomalous access behavior.
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Director, Security Operations in Telecommunication2 years ago
While there may be value on Blockchain and AI, these are underlying capabilities that would be built into related solutions.  Unfortunately, today with many organizations, there are the basis "blocking and tackling" controls/solutions that first need to be put in place and sometimes I feel like people have a tendency to run to the latest and greatest shiny object rather than addressing the basics first.
Founder & CISO in Education2 years ago
It may or may not. It depends a lot on the maturity and efficiency of these, especially blockchain. Process analytics and AI can definitely help in both analyzing and mitigating the risks associated in the supply chain amd where dependencies emerge. It is always helpful to be aware of Third party risks and being able to have visibility on them.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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