What strategies have you implemented to ensure psychological safety across your team(s)?

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago
To ensure psychological safety across your team, several strategies can be implemented that I have used:

1. Acknowledge and Reframe Mistakes
Encourage a culture where mistakes are acknowledged, anger is avoided when mistakes happen, and team members are supported in correcting mistakes

2. Advocate for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Promote a work environment that values diversity and inclusion, as these are essential for fostering psychological safety

3. Communicate with Care
Lead conversations with empathy, communicate openly about struggles and opinions, and use language that is affirming and inclusive

4. Foster Open Dialogue & Decision-Making
Create an environment that encourages open and honest dialogue, where team members feel comfortable sharing suggestions and challenging the status quo

5. Individualised Attention
Provide individualised support to team members by holding regular one-on-one meetings focused on their unique needs and concerns

6. Cultivate a Culture of Learning & Innovation
Foster a culture that rewards learning, experimentation, and innovation, rather than just focusing on results

By implementing these strategies, leaders can create a work environment where team members feel safe to express their opinions, take risks, and engage in open dialogue, ultimately leading to higher productivity, better performance, and increased well-being for all team members
CHRO7 months ago
1- Setting clear expectations and giving objective feedback on a continuous basis. 
2- Reassuring the team members that they will be well taken care of to help them focus on the task at hand. 
3- No cases of mass firing - actions speak louder than words. 
4- Opportunities for internal movement/ project transfer
HR Strategic Partner, People + Culture Leader7 months ago
First and foremost to ensuring psychological safety is always going to be open, frequent communication. A few ways to ensure this is happening regularly and constructively with your team could include:

-Regular check-ins both individually and as a group. Listen actively and encourage everyone to have a voice - give each individual a chance to be seen, heard, and understood in a way that works for them
-Set clear expectations and guidance, and frequently check for understanding
-Provide regular opportunities to give feedback in a variety of ways - bidirectional, anonymous, qualitative, quantitative 
-Reward and recognize people when they give constructive feedback, offer dissent, challenge, and/or express concerns respectfully - encourage a culture where this type of open communication is welcomed and acted upon
-Lead by example: Demonstrate openness as a leader by encouraging a growth mindset and  building a culture of continuous development and improvement at every level

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Director of HR7 months ago
One activity focused on creating phycological safety under the I&D perspective is to create safe spaces where employees can share and learn from each other. We intentionally create opportunities in which we discuss difficult topics and different experiences.

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