What are some tools you’ve used to foster collaboration, enthusiasm, and camaraderie on your marketing team?

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Senior Product Marketer in Software2 years ago
Working together on an internal newsletter that celebrates a highlight from each team member's work from the passing month/quarter
CMO in Software2 years ago
Slack for collaboration, updates & regular shout outs. Quarterly marketing metrics meeting where my marketing team presents their results & accomplishments to our exec staff. Regular, virtual team-building events (as a lot of my team is based in India) such as virtual escape rooms, cooking classes, wine tastings, etc.
Group Account Director in Mediaa year ago
I'm a huge fan of Miro for team collaboration, enthusiasm, and camaraderie. 
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Director of Strategy and Operations in Educationa year ago
While we have new and better leadership in place to ensure that silos aren’t getting built, I think we could do better about creating some strategic dependencies across the team. One design principle that we've tried to lean into is where no one team has all of the resources to act autonomously. But there must be a balance in order to avoid creating a very toxic environment. If there's too many strategic dependencies or things slow to a halt, you invite some power struggles that might not otherwise be there.

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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)7 days ago
The best KPIs for showing the ROI of martech investments are directly tied to driving revenue and growth and building a solid pipeline to attract and convert prospects into customers. I’ve found metrics like lead-to-revenue ...read more
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