What are some buzzwords that frustrate you?

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VP, Information Technology in Consumer Goods2 years ago
It’s frustrating whenever a telco comes in and says, "We're going to give you 5G and it's going to be transformational. It is going to do AR and VR." It’s the same thing they pitched to me back when we went from 3G to 4G — there's no difference. But every telco is pitching 5G as if they are the new Accenture, or the next big transformational thing. I also get frustrated with the term, “hyper convergence”, which is the ultimate buzzword that has zero meaning.
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CIO in Education2 years ago

It's a buzzword, but hyper convergence has meaning. It means I'm not quite ready to commit to the cloud; I want a foot in the on-prem camp and a foot in the cloud at the same time. That's all it means.

CIO in Education2 years ago
The term “converged” is what frustrates me. I was on a call where someone was talking about converged endpoint management. It gave me the shivers — what does that really mean? To me, the word they were looking for was “unified”, because it was a one-size-fits-all solution. What they were proposing was quite valid, but “converged” is just buzzy to begin with. We all buy point solutions for things that we need and if we knew that there was a one-size-fits-all product that could do all these things up front, maybe that would make some sense if you were starting from scratch.

For example, I bought a SIM, a tool to scan for PII, and a tool to do data backups and maybe some insider threat detection. I bought a tool to look at misconfigurations, a tool that does vulnerability management and a different tool that does patch management. We need all of these tools. I have tools that I use for asset management, but I don't think they work very well and I'm not sure anyone has the secret sauce to solve that issue. If you had all those capabilities in one product, would that be appealing to you? And if you did the math and it was going to save you money over all those point solutions, would you do it? It was an interesting premise.
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CTO in Software2 years ago
It isn't so much a specific buzzword as much as when they are mashed together or used clearly out of context or without any understanding of their actual meaning/significance.
Group Chief Information Officer in Construction2 years ago
Digital Transformation
that everyone is misusing and they don't know what it means 
CEO, Founder in Software2 years ago
Well, all of them? Some buzzwords like AI actually have the technology and the momentum backing them, but even AI when used as a buzzword is frustrating.

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These worked for us:

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