What are some alluring, non-traditional benefits offerings organizations should be considering adding to their overall compensation packages in the next 12 months?

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
From an annual survey we found people asking financial incentives, like childcare support, on-site sports facilities, access to healthy food, retirement savings plan financial literacy, from debt counseling to financial advisor sessions, so that employees become more financially resilient and are ultimately prepared for a successful retirement and we would be looking at introducing some of these benefits.
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CHRO in Consumer Goodsa year ago
nothing too alluring.  We added onsite mental health counseling which has gone over well with our hourly population and is helpful when things happen on site with professionals as well.

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has ...read more
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Fully onboard25%

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AI has no place in the hiring process25%

Not sure

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
We are working on the next level of our global business strategy and I expect the leaders to indicate what type of profiles and skills they need. For me this is not an HR task only so I need our CIO for instance, to share ...read more
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Very unlikely31%


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