What skills and competencies do you think will be most in demand or most important for future supply chain leaders? (Please comment and share your insights)

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Director of Supply Chain in Manufacturinga year ago
I found recently very interesting how Mc Kinsey executive and Headhunter promoted SC Leadership model CHAIN. Not only due to effective abbreviation (C-H-A-I-N) I found that competences to be COLLABORATIVE across the bord, E-2-E, internally and with external partners, HOLISTIC in not ignoring details while creating full business view on vlaue chain, ADAPTABLE to cope with systematically changing world that requires "anti-fragility", INFLUENTAL both up, down and side with excellent NARRATIVE skills is probably the best illustration of systematically needed skills, not something that will grow or will be needed more in the future.
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Chief Supply Chain Officer in Consumer Goodsa year ago
In the rapidly evolving world of supply chain management, future leaders will need to possess a diverse set of skills and competencies to navigate the complexities and challenges of the industry. Here are some key skills and competencies that will be in high demand for future supply chain leaders:

1. Technological Proficiency: With the increasing adoption of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and data analytics in supply chain management, leaders must be proficient in leveraging these tools to optimize operations, enhance visibility, and drive innovation.

2. Strategic Thinking: Future leaders should have a strong ability to think strategically and develop long-term plans that align with the organization's goals. They should be able to anticipate market trends, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions to ensure the supply chain remains agile and competitive.

3. Collaboration and Relationship Building: Supply chain leaders must possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills to collaborate effectively with internal teams, external partners, and stakeholders. Building strong relationships and fostering collaboration across the supply chain network is crucial for driving efficiency, resolving conflicts, and achieving common goals.

4. Adaptability and Change Management: The supply chain landscape is constantly evolving, driven by factors such as globalization, geopolitical changes, and technological advancements. Leaders need to be adaptable and embrace change, as well as possess the ability to manage and lead their teams through transitions effectively.

5. Data-driven Decision Making: In the era of big data, future leaders must be skilled in analyzing and interpreting vast amounts of data to make informed decisions. They should have a strong understanding of data analytics tools and techniques to identify patterns, optimize processes, and drive continuous improvement.

6. Sustainability and Ethical Practices: As sustainability becomes increasingly important in supply chain management, leaders must have a deep understanding of environmental and social impacts. They should be able to develop and implement sustainable practices, ensure ethical sourcing, and drive initiatives that reduce waste and carbon footprint.

7. Supply Chain Risk Management: With the growing complexity and interconnectedness of global supply chains, leaders need to be adept at identifying and mitigating risks. They should have a comprehensive understanding of supply chain vulnerabilities, develop robust risk management strategies, and establish contingency plans to ensure business continuity.

8. Leadership and Team Management: Effective leadership skills are essential for future supply chain leaders. They should be able to inspire and motivate their teams, foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning, and provide guidance and support to drive performance and achieve organizational objectives.

Overall, future supply chain leaders will need to possess a combination of technical expertise, strategic thinking, interpersonal skills, and a strong focus on sustainability and innovation. By developing these skills and competencies, they will be well-equipped to lead their organizations successfully in an increasingly complex and dynamic supply chain landscape.

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