What are the signs that tell you when leadership in your organization lacks trust in the data and analytics function? Do you actively seek this out or just hope that it will become clear?

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VP of Data in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
Does your leadership currently make decisions based on your data and insights?  That's your barometer.

If this isn't happening, start a conversation.  Make sure your dashboards, etc. are discoverable, timely, trusted, intuitive and understood.  Certify them as trusted.  Measure usage.  Don't leave this to chance.  

If the analytics and insights you are offering do not answer leaderships questions, then get aligned.  Understand business drivers, business objectives, strategy.  Decisions drive outcomes.
Senior Data and Analytics Leader in Government5 months ago
Some common signs that may indicate a lack of trust in the data and analytics function.

Is your leadership hesitant to allocate adequate resources, budget, or personnel to data and analytics initiatives?

Does your leadership consistently disregard or dismisses data-backed insights and recommendations in favor of gut instincts or anecdotal evidence?

Are different departments or business units reluctant to share data or collaborate with the analytics team?

Does your organization fail to invest in modern data and analytics tools, platforms, or infrastructure?

Absence of robust data governance frameworks, data quality processes, or clear ownership and accountability for data assets may indicate a lack of trust in the reliability and integrity of the organization's data.
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Chief Data Officer in Software5 months ago
The list of possible signs is long, but a few top things include:

- they stop using reports, or you learn that they are asking functional leaders for data that you would otherwise typically provide 
- you hear of leaders openly questioning or doubting your reports / data 
- leadership on the data team stops getting invited to planning / strategy sessions 
- functional leaders stop supporting your governance efforts, or attending governance meetings
- you learn of functional leaders investing in their own analytics tools or processes, or standing up 'shadow' D&A teams without your knowledge 

I would recommend constantly being on the 'lookout' for any of these signs - but more importantly - I would recommend you strongly consider a D&A product manager role (s) on your team, where a key deliverable of that function is ensuring customer satisfaction and success.  In a perfect world you would never get to the point where your customers no longer trust you, but this requires building competencies focused on stakeholder/customer satisfaction.  

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