Share an example of the most creative customer loyalty campaign you've ever created/participated in? What was the impact, and what did you learn?

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VP of Marketing and Retail Sales in Energy and Utilities8 months ago
Juventus fans get 2€ for every victory of their favourite team as cashback on their energy bill at the end of the season. That makes them stay.
Director of Marketing in Education8 months ago
I don't have a specific example, but honestly the customer loyalty programs that work the best are the ones that give out perks such as money or freebies
Assistant Manager in Banking8 months ago
We have done referral loyalty programs for our existing customers where they can refer unlimited people to open an account with us and for every successful referral activation, we reward the customer. The impact was good and we got a great response, but unfortunately the quality we were expecting wasn't quite there. 

Hence the reason to have clearly defined T&C for loyalty programs to get better output.
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CPO8 months ago
The creative innovation I created, took the common sweepstakes dynamic of presenting a big prize, like a car or a boat, and turned it into a method to collect a personal wish list of products that trigger custom offers across a large retail business.  The core tenet of this innovation was to provide an incentivized Sweepstakes experience that would allow loyalty members to tell us exactly what they want. We had introduced poll questions as a common entry trigger and were collecting millions of details from this data, but here we made the loyalty members’ selection (anything on or off our retail site) the prize they would win. We used daily limits to drive urgency, drove honesty in prize selection (you won what you selected), and introduced unique automated systems for engaging instant win promotions.  The campaigns were designed to make it easy to auto-tag member preferences and identify specific loyalty member needs. The 30M players of this, and follow-on loyalty promotions, contributed billions of dollars per year through their follow-on purchases. Integration of a media network turned the campaign's popularity into an ad revenue driver and became a money maker. We learned that the 'win', even as small as $.05, has an impact and keeps our shoppers engaged. Learning what people wanted to win became a treasure trove of life-stage data. 
Marketing Analyst in IT Services7 months ago
Crafting a gamified loyalty campaign, we integrated personalized challenges and exclusive rewards, resulting in a 30% increase in customer retention. The key takeaway was the power of tailored experiences in fostering lasting brand loyalty.

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