When shaping and establishing your executive brand, what would you have done differently?

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COO7 months ago
Reflecting upon my experiences, I find that the notion of embarking on a listening tour holds immense significance, a sentiment I can't emphasize enough. There was a particular instance during my tenure at Cardinal Health where, as a leader inheriting a substantial team, I became absorbed in the myriad project responsibilities that came with the role. Regrettably, I failed to prioritize active engagement with our business partners. This oversight led to unforeseen challenges over the initial six months, leaving me perplexed until I realized the need for a strategic reset.

In hindsight, I acknowledge the importance of dedicating time to truly understand the concerns and perspectives of those within the business sphere. It became evident that neglecting this crucial step had inadvertently erected obstacles. Consequently, I had to take decisive action, reevaluating our initiatives and ensuring alignment with the broader organizational goals. The lesson learned here is clear: early incorporation of a comprehensive listening tour is essential, serving as a foundational element to establish effective communication and preempt potential challenges.
CIO in Services (non-Government)7 months ago
At the beginning of my career, I tended to be more of a reactor. I always thought I could turn a situation around, thinking I knew the answer. I had this motivation to make things better. However, I've learned to dial that back and not react impulsively. Even if I have the best answer, I've realized that the key is in the approach. Taking a moment, letting others share their thoughts, working through it together, and not coming on too strong.
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7 months ago
Understanding the expectations from leadership is a nuanced task. Take, for instance, the scenario when I first joined. The initial ask was to bring the revenue percentage down from 3% to 1.6%. That was the set goal, however, it wasn't just about achieving this target; it involved a broader perspective on what IT should contribute. Striking a balance between enabling functions and ensuring a swift execution pace became a crucial aspect.

In the last six months, as we managed to trim costs, execute more projects than expected, the executive management's scrutiny shifted. It moved beyond the immediate concerns of cost-cutting and execution to inquire about strategic capabilities. Initially, the perception was that I could handle cost reduction and execution, but the strategic aspect needed attention. This led to a pivot for the following year, focusing on aligning two strategies with the business expansion.

The narrative evolved from a tactical perspective to addressing strategic elements. I had to learn that the challenge wasn't just meeting numerical targets but ensuring that overarching strategies resonated with the dynamic shifts in the business landscape.

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

Vendor Relationship / Reputation

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5.7k views3 Upvotes1 Comment

Acquiring new clients and projects20%

Keeping up with evolving technologies and testing methodologies52%

Building a strong reputation and establishing credibility in the industry53%

Adapting to changing client demands and expectations40%

Ensuring effective communication and collaboration with clients and development teams21%

Developing effective pricing strategies and staying profitable14%

Other (please specify)

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