Are you seeing 5G convergence with other exponential technologies?

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CIO2 years ago
The reality of 5G is that the market's not there yet, nor is the technology. It's very early. You hear a lot about 5G and you see the infrastructure being deployed, but applications tend to be in very specific areas. We're starting to see some convergence of 5G and wifi in the radio network and on the edge, but it tends to be in logistics applications. I haven't seen it come into the office in any way.

I've seen demos of what T-Mobile is doing in retail, but I don't see it directly because I don't live in that space. You do see 5G in public services, and you're going to see it in medicine as well. 5G will be in a lot of spaces, but if you walked into the average tech company today, I don't think you would see 5G turning us inside out.
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CEO in Services (non-Government)2 years ago

We have 5G rolled out across the country by some of the carriers. It's now becoming a very competitive area in Canada because where we do have it, there's tons of it. But there's also new legislation to move it farther into rural communities. 

Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
There are industries or sectors that might be falling over themselves to utilize 5G, but your average business isn't. I guess it's because no one is sitting down to find these problems that we need to really solve for and then trying to put the technology into it. If they are, they're not getting the publicity because they're not doing anything flashy or cool. They're just working away at simple problems.
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Head of Security and Compliance in Software2 years ago
I’m part of the city technology commission, and we do talk about 5G and other modernization aspects. Of course there is pushback from the citizenry due to the concerns people have about 5G technology in general. Nevertheless, there is nothing the city can do about federal legislation. The federal government controls the FCC, so the carriers just come in to install their towers and the city goes forward. They have been installed in a few streets now.
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CIO2 years ago

There was a whole controversy here in the US about 5G having an impact on certain aircrafts, which didn't happen in the rest of the world. Folks in San Francisco and in the Bay area didn’t want 5G towers to turn on until it was proven not to have an impact. That bemused a lot of people here because 5G is being used near airports in a bunch of other places in the world. We were trying to understand what differences were at play — what was it about the Bay area that would make 5G have a unique impact?

Director of software engineering in Software2 years ago
Not really. 5G practically has been more of marketing hype bordering on a scam than real technology.

It's definitely early times. When real 5G is rolled out maybe we'll see better adoption and usage, but right now there's not much in the way of benefits or adoption.
CIO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Well there is a lot of 5G network infrastructure being deployed, but we really aren't seeing much use in the real world and in regular business, or every day home users. 
 To to put it bluntly, people and industry are not jumping on board, they're slowly wondering that direction. 
 There is just no sense of urgency.

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Sr. Director, Enterprise Applications and IT Services6 days ago
These worked for us:

Stakeholder Engagement - Engage all relevant stakeholders early and continuously throughout the procurement process. 

Adaptible Contracting - Use contracting methods that allow for adjustments more
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