What's one simple/practical way IT leaders can encourage a culture of experimentation and continuous learning of generative AI technologies within their teams? Something that just about any org can do regardless of team size, budget, etc.

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Director of Information Security6 months ago
Be intentional about it. Designate time for labs, experimentation, coding, etc. Jealously guard that time, because it will be easy for it to be the first thing scratched from the calendar when project or support demands boil up.

Develop some scenarios that people can attempt to solve during the lab. Maybe use a capture the flag format. After a few of these labs, then have your team members develop labs and present to the rest of the team.
Senior Information Security Manager in Software6 months ago
Give them 2 hours every week on their calendar to do that.
CTO in IT Services5 months ago
We've stood up multiple private instances and encourage our staff to leverage them. We also added simple informal things like a monthly AI meet-up (over lunch or happy hour) and once a week we hold a "Prompt of the day" competition over Teams (prize is bragging rights).
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Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 months ago
Ultimately, maintain openness regarding the capabilities of GenAI.

Given its potential as an enterprise tool, it's crucial to establish clear guidelines for proper usage based on the lowest common denominator.

Be transparent about which tools are permissible and which are not.
Inform users about the types of data that can be entered.
Promote the verification and proofreading of outputs.

Most importantly, avoid overcomplicating the guidelines. GenAI could become a form of shadow IT; the more difficult it is to use, the more likely people will circumvent the rules.

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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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