What's a non-technical skill that you believe could set someone apart in AI leadership?

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Chief Information Officer in IT Servicesa year ago
1.Strategic Vision
2.Empathy at distance.
3.Emotional & social intelligence (EQ).
4.Cognitive flexibility.
5.Creative and innovative mindset.
6.Judgement and decision making.
7.Digital and data literacy.
8.Analytical (critical) thinking.
9.Learning and growth mindset.
10. Leadership and high performance team building skills
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Lead AI Architect in IT Servicesa year ago
You do not need any technical background to become extremely competent at leveraging generative AI.  It is more about understanding the business problem you are trying to solve than anything else.  Anyone can become a competent 'prompt engineer' with practice and patience.  Not all people are good at framing questions, understanding what a successful outcome or solution looks like, or operating strategically vs. tactically.  Fortunately, generative AI is already so incredibly good that it largely levels the playing field and helps overcome whatever limitations may exist.  Investing in mastery of these tools is a life-or-death career decision for many.  Those who succeed will be massively more productive and effective vs. those who resist.  It is no different from the invention of the PC, except that it is far easier to get the benefit out of AI vs. early PCs.  The barrier to entry is lower in every regard.  Anyone and everyone should become a 'prompt engineer' regardless of role or experience - with no technical skill required.

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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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It depends (please explain in the comments)1%

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