What's your chief concern about possible AI outcomes that might unfold in the future?

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CIO Strategic Advisor in Services (non-Government)a year ago
The biggest concern is misuse where confidential, regulated and/or intellectual property is shared. Similarly, inbound intellectual property is used inadvertently. An example would be co-pilot for code generation.
Vice President - Strategy, Digital and Innovation (SDI) in Bankinga year ago
Trust deficit
Limited knowledge
Data privacy and security
Data access
Lack of transparency
Uncertainty over liability
Lead AI Architect in IT Servicesa year ago
It just happened.  The federal government, ruling by fiat, decided that it gets to pick the winners and losers.  This puts America at a massive competitive disadvantage, helping our adversaries and the first-movers who seek regulatory capture.  Both unenforceable and misguided, the EO is a wet blanket on America's startups, innovators, smaller companies and a gift to Russia and China.  Tragic on every level.  (And if you think you can trust the Biden administration to somehow get this right, consider that they may be gone in a year and replaced with someone who would happily abuse this new power for personal gain and political reasons.)  The whole idea that AI can be regulated in practice is absurd.  The work will continue, but perhaps not here.  Brilliant.
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Director in Manufacturinga year ago
When automobiles supplanted horse-drawn carriages, the craftsmen and horse breeders had time to adapt to the changing landscape. In contrast, the automation of welding in automobile manufacturing brought about swift transformations, leaving many struggling to shift careers. The potential velocity at which AI could revolutionize a vastly larger portion of the workforce is astonishing, demanding those affected to be highly adaptable in seeking employment that remains outside AI's reach. Despite my lifelong career in technology, this technological evolution feels unique. The speed and expansion of AI far outpaces the internet's adoption. We may find ourselves blindsided by unforeseen repercussions. While we celebrated the internet's advantages, we failed to anticipate the global rise of scams, bank account hacking and other illegal actions. Hopefully, we can navigate potential unintended consequences of AI without causing significant social disruption in employment.
CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturinga year ago
The biggest concerns relate to use of insecure tools for confidential or regulated data that could then be leaked.

Another is the potential for bias or incorrect results that are then relied upon.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Sr. Director, Enterprise Applications and IT Services6 days ago
These worked for us:

Stakeholder Engagement - Engage all relevant stakeholders early and continuously throughout the procurement process. 

Adaptible Contracting - Use contracting methods that allow for adjustments ...read more
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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