What's the best way to analyze your target market to ensure your GTM strategy is sound? Do you just ask your customers?

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VP of Sales in Softwarea year ago
Metrics and data should tell you the true story. You can ask the question “How did you hear about us” on calls but o think a better gauge is percentage of deals that are advancing through your sales stages within your ICP.
CSO, CMO8 months ago
Prospect interviews and validation conversations, along with industry research help to paint the picture. A proof of concept test can provide invaluable feedback for problem solution fit and product market fit. 
Director of Sales and Business Development in Software8 months ago
I start with customers and work my way out. 

What do customers think? How can I apply that to prospects.

Test it - evaluate it - repeat. 
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Partner in Travel and Hospitality8 months ago
- Segmentation: Break down your market into smaller groups based on specific criteria like demographics or behaviour.

- Customer Feedback: Collect direct feedback through surveys or interviews to understand customer needs and preferences.

- Competitor Analysis: Study your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities and threats.

- Trend Monitoring: Stay updated with industry trends to anticipate shifts in consumer behaviour.

- Data Analysis: Use your business data to identify patterns and insights about your target market.

- Social Listening: Monitor social media and forums to gauge public sentiment and spot emerging trends.

- Pilot Testing: Test your product/service in a controlled environment to refine your GTM strategy based on real market feedback.
Sales Associate8 months ago
Scan the customer and the market / indústria ecosystem, blind / mystery / deceptive surveys, to achieve more organic data 

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